Did you know that most people make 227 food decisions—each and every day?
Yes, you read that right!
Two hundred and twenty-seven food decisions. Daily.
This statistic comes from a study published from Cornell University. And the details of the study—where people underestimated their daily food decisions by an average of over 221 decisions and overate 31% more food than they realized (of which 21% denied that they overate at all)—are even more shocking.
In fact, this even gives us clues into the obesity epidemic:
Perhaps it’s not so much of an obesity epidemic as it is a mindless eating one, which inevitably causes obesity!
Here’s why I bring it up:
Despite most people’s brazen unawareness with how many food decisions they make (and I can hardly blame them, even I was shocked to learn that we make 227 food decisions every day), your body is fully aware of each and every one of these 227 decisions.
For example, every single food decision you make—from #1 all the way up to #227—impacts your blood sugar. Certain foods that make your blood sugar drop deplete your energy. And the reverse is equally as bad: Foods that raise your blood sugar too high can result in your body storing fat.
To make matters worse…
Everyone has a unique metabolism, and while some foods are healthy for some people, they can create havoc for others. For example, when I went vegan (and ate what you’d consider “healthy” foods), I broke several bones, saw my energy collapse, and lived in a constant state of brain fog. But keto reversed all of these problems for me.
Long story short: Nutrition is hard and individualized. Not to mention, there’s a variety of factors—like your stress levels, sleep quality, exercise consistency, and more—that can impact your metabolism and how your body reacts and feels.
But you know what?
Thanks to my recent partnership with Signos, a health tech company who specializes in something called the “CGM” or continuous glucose monitor, helps track your unique metabolism’s needs and responses to all the above factors (and more) in real-time!
That means…
For all 227 food decisions you make in a given day, your Signos CGM will provide real-time feedback on how your body actually responds.
The result?
Weight falls off your body... faster.
Your energy levels soar.
Your sleep improves.
You reduce your risk of every type of preventative disease caused by obesity.
And even your mood improves, with each and every bite you take.
Best part?
Their app can also reveal micro-changes to your daily lifestyle to keep your glucose stable.
By joining the Transformation "CGM" Challenge, you will receive your own Signos CGM, two private follow-up consultations with me, and an invite to our private Facebook Group, where we will be following a shorter, 30-day approach to the Transformation 42 Challenge so many of you already know and love.